Youth Programs


Sunday School

Give your children a fulfilling Christian education. Our Sunday School is open for children from age 3 through 8th grade. Classes are held every Sunday from 9:50am – 11am.Registration is open. Contact Pat in our office at 516-785-5029 or at to sign up.

Youth Group

All children from first grade and higher are encouraged to participate in our youth events. In 2011 we held our fundraiser to benefit the earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan. Thanks to the support of our congregation and the community, we raised over $3,600! Congratulations to our children and thank you to all of our supporters! In 2012 we held a fundraiser for Emily’s Smile Boxes, and raised over $2,200! We made 100 activity boxes for hospitalized children and delivered them to South Nassau Communities Hospital. Thank you to all who supported us!

Youth Leader: Kristin Schwarz

Confirmation Class

Confirmation is a pastoral and educational ministry of the church which helps the baptized child through Word and Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission. Although affirming one’s faith can occur at any time in a person’s life, indeed multiple times, it has been a tradition in the Lutheran church to provide children around the ages of 13 & 14 an opportunity to study and discuss in depth the basics of Christian faith so that they can affirm for themselves what parents (and sponsors) did on their behalf at Baptism.

Teachers: Pastor Krauser and Jim Schwarz  

1294 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710-5512
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